Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pathway to the Elbow River

Pathway to the Elbow River
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #246 - It sure is a lot easier to create a painting from a photograph. Usually, I create my landscapes from memory and feeling but I had a reference photo for this piece. This painting is my last for 2017 and marks my 30th piece of the year! Whew, I didn't think I was going to meet that goal this year. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Looking West

Looking West
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #245 - I always use molding paste when I paint coniferous trees and I honestly didn't know if I could paint one without it! I'm happy with my result.

Sparkles Along the Bow River

Sparkles Along the Bow River
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #244 - I didn't plan on painting my tree this way, however, this is what I got. I like the addition of rhinestones in the piece. The whole painting lights up when the sun hits it!

Banks of the Bow River

Banks of the Bow River
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #243 - I really enjoyed painting the river bank in this piece. I like the design of the three distinct areas in the foreground: the underground, the water and shadows, and the bank.

Inspired Moments

Inspired Moments
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #242 - I thought I'd paint a bit bigger this time. I like the loose strokes in the background, however, I'm still struggling with my foreground deciduous trees. These will have to do for now.

Stay Connected

Stay Connected
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #241 - I'm continuing with my tiny landscape paintings and enjoying the feeling of expressive mark making!