Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lens of Grace

Lens of Grace
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #206 - My previous painting lead me to explore creating trees in a new way. I recently read that painting is really about where you are in the moment and discovering new insights along the way. I continue to find joy in colour relationships. The complementaries used in this painting may make it a bit bold for some people. I haven't lived with it long enough to know whether or not I like it yet.

Following Intuition

Following Intuition
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #205 - This tree portrait depicts a grade nine student who I have taught for several years. She is self-regulated but more than that she has "grit". I can picture her in my minds eye and what I see is a person who keeps going and going. She never quits despite the fact that her projects may not turn out. Her passion for the arts enable her to persevere and find success.

Open to Abundance

Open to Abundance
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #204 - I'm just playing around with colour and shape. I think the colours in my middle ground are too dark in value, however, it is what it is.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Intention with Action

Intention with Action
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #203 - This tree portrait depicts another self-regulated grade nine student that I teach. The words "courage" and "talent" come to mind when I think of her. She is a gifted artist who is always open to learning new skills and giving back to the community.

Look for Clues

Look for Clues
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #202 - This tree portrait depicts another self-regulated grade nine student of mine. The words "humble" and "present" come to mind when I think of her. She is an intelligent, gentle, and gracious young lady who is always eager to learn.

Action with Faith

Action with Faith
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #201 - This tree portrait depicts a self-regulated grade nine student of mine. When I think of her the words "growth" and "energetic" come to mind. She is a passionate student who constantly wears a big smile and is always ready to learn.

Autumn's Celebration

Autumn's Celebration
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #200 - Yay me! I've painted 200 paintings since I started this blog. I'm still investigating landscapes because they still don't come easy ... and the natural landscape is a beautiful subject to paint.