Saturday, November 25, 2017


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #240 - I like this little gem! The ochre and purple compliment each other nicely. On to my next small piece ... Which colour scheme shall I choose next?

Take the Leap

Take the Leap
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #239 - I'm continuing with my small paintings. I used an analogous colour scheme of blue, green and purple. I like the roots in the foreground and continue to enjoy the freedom I feel while painting these small pieces.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Time to Rest

Time to Rest
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #238 - I'm painting a few small pieces as they are good for gifts. I enjoyed the freedom I felt doing this painting ... perhaps because of its size??


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #237 - I was playing around with inks and this is a photo transfer of the same piece I did on watercolour paper (which I like better). I have great memories of New Hamburg's fall fair when I was I kid and that's what I tried to capture.

Winter's Upon Us

Winter's Upon Us
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #236 - I began this painting when the weather started to change and a cold chill was in the air. The snow hadn't come but I knew it was on our doorstep!