Friday, December 18, 2015

First Crush

First Crush
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #189 - I'm continuing with my series of tree portraits, which depict the world of adolescents. This painting represents the complex social interaction of experimenting with romantic relationships, which often exacerbates their unstable emotional states.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Trying to Fit In

Trying to Fit In
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #188 - This is the second of my tree portraits, which depict the characteristics of the adolescents I teach. This painting represents the process of a teenager searching for where he/she fits in with their peers and society at large.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ready to Learn

Ready to Learn
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #187 - This painting was inspired by an artist named, Langevin and a tree that lives by the walkway of the school I teach at. I think I'll start a series of tree paintings that personify the lives of the adolescents I teach.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

1953 Buick Special

1953 Buick Special
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #186 - I found this beauty parked right outside my front door!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Grace Found

Grace Found
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #185 - Continuing work from my colour book ... I used a analogous colour scheme of purple, blue and green. I like the simplicity of this painting, which is why I called it, Grace Found.

Home on the Range #10

Home on the Range #10
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #184 - I had to paint this little red tractor again as I ruined my painting last spring when I put the resin on it. Today is Thanksgiving - time to send thanks for all those hard-working farmers out there. Thank you!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

1956 Plymouth

1956 Plymouth
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #183 - I don't understand my love of painting old cars, trucks and tractors but I'm grateful for my neighbour Chris who's providing me with these gems!

Take the Leap

Take the Leap
Mixed Media on Canvas
Painting #182 - Oh, its been a long time since I started this painting. I began it at the end of July and then I was on holidays most of August and then school started and finally .... its finished. Lesson learned - don't start something you can't finish in a reasonable time. I was always searching for a rhythm that was constantly interrupted. But - I finished!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #181 - I used an analogous red palette of light and dark values of magenta, red and red-orange.

Divine Support

Divine Support
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #180 - Just a little painting I completed while visiting my niece. She was interested in how to paint birch trees.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #179 - In this composition I continued to use the ten hues from blue-green to red-orange, however, this landscape emphasizes the blue-green side of the analogous palette over the yellow-red side.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting # 178 - I'm still working from my colour book. This composition includes ten hues from blue-green to red-orange. This landscape emphasizes the yellow-red side of the analogous palette over the blue-green side.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Light of Grace

Light of Grace
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #177 - The relationship between these analogous colours is harmonic because there are no dramatic contrasts of hue and the colours have a natural unity.

Spiritual Signposts

Spiritual Signpost
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #176 - I'm continuing my work using colour schemes from my 2000 colour combinations book. I like the analogous colours of blue, green and yellow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #175 - I'm still using my colour book to push and inspire my work. I think the subtle, understated blue works well with the strength and warmth of analogous orange.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #174 - Back to my colour book ... I used an analogous palette of red violet, violet and blue and mixed subtle value contrasts.  My goal was to achieve a dynamic and elusive blue composition but my use of purple took over.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #173 - I deviated from my colour book for this painting and instead manipulated a photo that I had from Canmore. I like the turquoise in the mountains. I'm still not sure about the strong red line in the foreground ... I needed something to give the painting more depth. The red comes forward and thus, pushes everything else back.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Inspired Moments

Inspired Moments
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #172 - This colour scheme is called a multiple transparency palette. The colours are strong and remote - perhaps perfect for a fall landscape!


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #171 - I used a secondary triad for this painting. This was a tough one as I found myself always struggling to achieve more constrast. It is what it is ... that's my new saying when it comes to my painting.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #170 - This colour palette illustrates the harmony of analogous colours, which conveys energy and warmth.

Divine Timing

Divine Timing
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #169 - Its time to start a new body of work for Beacon Original Art's Fall Exhibition and Sale. My goal is to complete around a dozen landscapes and my inspiration is coming from a book called, 2000 color combinations. The color combo for this painting was taken from the cover of the book.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Home on the Range #9

Home on the Range #9
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #168 - I was so disappointed!!!! I spent many hours painting this tractor. I really wanted to finish it for my spring show. It was two days before the show when I applied my resin. To my horror, something went wrong and it turned bumpy and as hard as rock very quickly. I spent one hour the next morning sanding the resin and then reapplied another coat. All looked good. Eight hours later I picked up my painting, admiring the shiny coat until it began to drip off the painting and down my hands. Again, I must have done something wrong. The painting is ruined as I am not able to remove the sticky coat that lies ALL OVER this painting ... thus, its off to painting heaven! So long little red one ....

Monday, April 13, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #167 - Another bad photo lol, however, I'm so happy that I reached my goal of completing 15 paintings for my spring show with Beacon Original Art on April 25th at the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Hall. I hope to see you there!

Find Your Centre

Find Your Centre
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #166 - I'm happy to have painted a purple lilac for my spring show. My photo of this painting is dark but I have no time to take another as I'm so busy getting ready for my show in two weeks at Beacon Original Art.

Quiet Mind

Quiet Mind
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #165 - I like the simplicity of this painting and the minimal colour.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #164 - For some reason this painting gave me grief. Maybe I just needed a little break from painting every night. I got too caught up in the details .... not good!!!! Anyway, I finally called it quits and this is what I have. I like the "fur" on the flower's stem!

Ambassadors of Grace

Ambassadors of Grace
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #163 - I love the blue in this painting - its prussian blue. I think I'll start using it more.

Ready to Support

Ready to Support
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #162 - When ever I see daisies I always want to pull off the little white petals and say, "he loves me, he loves me not" ... even when they're in a painting.

Open Mind

Open Mind
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #161 - I like the turquoise in the this painting and the centre of the flower. I was surprised at how quickly the textured came together - it just kind of happened.

Open Mind

Open Mind
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #161 - I like the turquoise in the this painting and the centre of the flower. I was surprised at how quickly the textured came together - it just kind of happened.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #160 - Well, painting lilacs did not become easier with this painting. I think I'm still in my head instead of using my intuition .... and with that statement, I think I've just stated my new learning journey. I started this blog approximately 5 years ago. During this time I've mostly been in my head every time I embark on a new painting, ie. "I've been thinking ... light, shadow, colour, composition, what do I see," and my painting has been very methodical. I think its time that I start making the shift to trust my intuition ... could this be my metaphor for life? I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #159 - Lilacs are very hard to paint! I have another one on the go right now - perhaps I'll learn some tricks! Stay tuned ...

Ignite Grace

Ignite Grace
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #158 - I have to say that I like this painting. I like the details in the petals and the perspective of the flower.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #157 - I was looking forward to painting this picture because this flower is so pretty. Its from one of the gardens at the Stratford Festival.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #156 - Well, I finished my rose painting! I've noticed that I'm becoming a faster painter. It's about time ....

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Go Within

Go Within
Mixed Media on Board
Painting #155 - The last of my lilies. The set of three looks nice together. On to roses ...


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #154 - I thought I'd try this flower in multiple colours. Another one for my spring show.


Mixed Media on Board
Painting #153 - First painting of 2015! This painting came together very quickly ... maybe I'm getting faster. Oh joy!!! I've started my body of work for Beacon Original Art's spring show.